What is automatic wastewater monitoring?

Automatic wastewater monitoring is a system installed where wastewater has been treated for pollutants. The system will monitor flow and automatically measure water quality through indicators measured at installation points.

Why install a wastewater monitoring station?

According to Circular 10/2021/TT-BTNMT of the government amending and supplementing a number of articles of decrees detailing and guiding the implementation of environmental protection laws. Production, business and service establishments that are at risk of causing environmental pollution and have a discharge scale of 500m3/day (24 hours) or more, calculated according to the system's design capacity Wastewater treatment must carry out "Installation of an automatic and continuous wastewater monitoring system".

What indicators does the monitoring system include?

Automatic and continuous wastewater monitoring parameters include:

  • Input and output wastewater flow
  • COD
  • TSS
  • pH
  • Temperature
  • Ammonium
  • And there are some more specific indicators according to the type of treatment such as color, residual chlorine, total nitrogen, total phosphorus.

PRODOWA specializes in manufacturing and supplying post-treated water quality measuring equipment, including:

  • COD measuring sensor
  • TSS measurement sensor
  • Sensor for measuring pH and temperature
  • Ammonium measuring sensor
  • Color measurement sensor
  • Total nitrogen measuring sensor



Refer to PRODOWA's online water quality measurement system.